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Winners - 2012

Open singles


1st    G. Watt - Breeze

2nd   J. Howard - Wisp

3rd    T. Lawrenson - Clyde

4th    R. Saxon - Cammon Rip

5th    N. Vyas - Jake

6th    T. Lawrenson - Sam

7th    I. Gregory - Jess

8th    N. Vyas - Mac

9th    J. Elliott - Pete

10th  I. Gregory - Glen

11th  Mrs. J. Holdsworth - Dusk

12th  F. Cleary - Dan


Open doubles


1st    G. Bonsall - Jet & Tim


Longshaw Singles Championship


1st    J. Howard - Wisp

2nd   G. Watt - Breeze

3rd    N. Vyas - Mac

4th    D. Wood - Craig

5th    C. Pickford - Chappie


Highest Aggregate in Open Singles & Championship - J. Howard      

Highest Aggregate in Open Singles & Local Classes - R. Saxon

Highest pointed dog on Thursday - R. Saxon

Highest pointed dog on Friday - G. Watt

Highest pointed local dog in open class - R. Saxon

Highest pointed Derbyshire dog in open class - R. Saxon

Driving Crook - R. Saxon

Farnsworth Tankard - D. Wood

Rowarth Silver Salver - T. Weston

Sir Richard Hughes prize - J. D. Wood

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